
Posts Tagged ‘O’Scugnizzos Pizza’

Beginning with Rowing….Great Exercise Tip from Sparkpeople.com

Using the Rowing Machine

Rowing is a great aerobic exercise because the smooth, low-impact, and non-load bearing movement works the whole body and can challenge almost any fitness level. With the proper technique, rowing will evenly target all your major muscle groups (legs, arms, and torso). Be sure to warm up and stretch before your workout, and do not continue your exercise if you feel pain in your lower back.


  • Sit on the seat and fully extend your legs onto the foot pads.
  • Grab the handles with an overhand grip, pulling it towards your abdomen while leaning back slightly.
  • Without bending your knees, tilt your upper body forward from the hips to a comfortable forward-leaning position.
  • Slowly bend your knees and slide forward into the “catch” position.
  • To stroke, simultaneously extend your legs as you lean back and pull the handles toward your chest.
  • After the stroke, return to the “catch” position by smoothly extending your arms, bending your legs, and leaning forward.
  • Repeat for several continuous strokes.
    Time Involved: Usually 15-45 minutes. Body Benefit: More energy and a healthy heart.

Cake? Did someone say “Cake”???

We did say “cake”. It’s Jaine’s 4th Birthday tomorrow and this is the cake Apple Crumbles prepared for her special day.

Jaine's 4th Birthday Cake

Jaine's 4th Birthday Cake



Happy Birthday, Jaine!

Happy Birthday, Jaine!



So what’s with the Pizza?

As you can see, the cake was quite a bit of work and after hanging my head and detailing the decorations, the last thing this body felt like doing was cooking.  Ted suggested our all time favorite “upside down” pizza from O’Scugnizzo’s.  For him: meatball. For her: mushroom and peppers.  A nice baby spinach salad on the side.

Upside down pizza: sauce on top, cheese and toppings underneath

Upside down pizza: sauce on top, cheese and toppings underneath



Baby spinach salad with Newman's Own Lite Balsamic Dressing

Baby spinach salad with Newman's Own Lite Balsamic Dressing


One more item to share with you tonight.  When walking into my office at work today, look what was on my desk:

A gift from Anna

A gift from Anna


Beautiful!  Thank you, Anna!

Take care all and make sure to come back tomorrow for CEimB.



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What happened to my energy today? sleeping-with-book

It seemed to seep slowly out of me as the day progressed. System check:  Enough carbs & other important food stuff? yes.  Enough sleep? think so.  How about yesterdays water intake? well, maybe not.   Ok. Think I might have found the prob. I’m so bad at drinking enough water. I need lemon to just barely enjoy it. I’d rather have coffee.  When I got my “PUREGO” water bottle, I thought it would inspire me. Guess it wore out like an old pair of shoes. puregobottleBut I still drag it along with me everywhere I go.

Lunch wasn’t as rush – rush -rush today. I was too tired to rush. Had some left overs and a smaller salad… too tired to make a big one. eats-on-thursday-001




TGIF tomorrow and Sue isn’t at work. It’ll be a busy one but that will just put me in the right mood for a good glass of wine… did you see the site reference for sending old bottle corks…speaking  of wine?   http://www.yemmhart.com/news+/winecorkrecycling.htm   ….just in case.

Tonights dinner… Ted offered to go get a pizza from O’Scugnizzo’s. By far, the best pizza I have ever had. They make the best:  eats-on-thursday-002                                           

 I served up some brussels with the pizza and, in my book, it was the perfect Thurs. night meal:  eats-on-thursday-0031


Today, the Van’s Gift Catalog came in the mail. The baskets are expensive but every year I go blind trying to find “Puddy” the little company mascot they hide in one of the baskets.  I had to go through it 3 times, but I found PUDDY! 

Find Puddy

Find Puddy

Ok. here’s a hint: red box, lower right…see the dot on the box? That’s Puddy!  Now I have to decide if I want to order $350.00 worth of baskets to get the free $25.00 gift for finding that silly little bear. Ummmm….probably not this year.

If you want to check out their site, because they do have nice baskets, go to: www.vansgifts.com.  If you want to read about Puddy…www.vansgifts.com/puddy.asp  

Have a super night, All!

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